Dainfern Security Update

Category Living in Dainfern

At a recent sector meeting it was reported that the crime statistics for sector 3 of the Douglasdale SAPS district are improving.  Crime in general is down.  The biggest incidents to have occurred in the last few weeks have been business robberies in the Pine Slopes and Fourways areas, but house break-ins are fewer.  One house break-in was reported in the Lonehill area,  however the suspect has already been arrested by Fidelity Security, Lonehill.

The only statistic that is on the increase is theft from motor vehicles.  Remote car lock jamming is partly to blame, but the majority of incidents have been smash-and-grabs.  The current hot spot for smash-and-grabs is the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and William Nicol.  The reason for this is that William Nicol narrows towards the Leaping Frog Shopping Centre, which causes the traffic to bottle neck.

If you travel on this route, you are advised to keep valuables out of sight.  Rather store your laptops, brief cases and handbags in the boot of your car.  Be viligant.  Look for people wandering between the cars with their hands in their pockets – they could be hiding window breaking instruments.  The peak time for these incidents is between 5pm and 6pm at night, when the traffic congestion is at its greatest.
Dainfern’s perimeter security fence upgrade has now been signed off by Secelec, the electrical consultant appointed to oversee the quality control of the project.  The Dainfern HOA is now fine tuning the process for the installation of the biometric access control system at both Broadacres and Cedar Road gates.

Author: General Manager Reg Bernstein

Submitted 07 May 12 / Views 7465