Why Electricity consumption needs to be Reduced

Category Living in Dainfern

We urge all consumers to pay attention to the electricity saving messages that Eskom and City Power are sending out through the media at the moment.  The City of Johannesburg fully supports all of these power saving initiatives and request that you reat accordingly to avoid outages caused by local overloading.

How it can be done?

  • Eliminate all wasted electricity consumption
  • Always switch off unused lights and appliances wherever you are
  • Don't be two places at the same time - switch off lights and appliances at home when  you go to work
  • When you leave work do the same - switch off all lights, machinery and office equipment. Live in one place at a time.

Conserve - use power for shorter times or deliberately avoid using electricity

  • Use heaters for shorter periods of time and use the thermostats on heaters to limit their consumption
  • Use warm clothing and hot water bottles to keep warm rather than using heaters at all
  • Use the lease amount of hot water that you can
  • Geyester use a lot more electricity if they have to make a lot more hot water
  • Dont run two fridges per household if only one is really needed. (Get rid of the beer fridge in the garage!)

Energy efficiency - get the same job done using less energy:

  • Invest in energy efficient lighting - replace old incancdescent lamps with energy saver lamps - compact fluorsecent lamps or LED lamps
  • Use applicances efficiently dont boil more water than you need in a kettle, fill it only with the right amount of water needed.
  • Match the pot size to the size of the stove plate when cooking


Change the patterns of elecricity usage - use less in morning and evenin week day peak times

  • Use washing machines on weekends rather tha week days when there is a shortageof power
  • Avoid using power between 8 to 11am and 6pm to 9pm on weekdays, this is the high risk time
  • Switch off electric heaters between 6 and opm and rather use gas heaters where possible
  • Check swimming pool timers - only run the pump between 9pm and 5am - never in daytime.



Author: City of Joburg

Submitted 16 Mar 16 / Views 3479